The CFL mercury nightmare Post article

I hadn’t given the recent emphasis on replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent ones much attention. With few exceptions, I have been conservative in my use of artificial lighting. There has been a flurry of activity with some businesses, cities, towns, etc., recommending, demanding, and everything in between to encourage this switch. The article I found this morning, and several others I hunted down, show another side of this issue which deserves scrutiny. The bulbs are not made in the US because of our environmental laws. They come from India and China where environmental law advocates do not have much political power. The reason is mercury. The story above concerns someone who accidently broke a bulb and is now looking at a very expensive remediation job before her daughter can enter her bedroom again. If you are planning to switch to these bulbs, do your research thoroughly including what procedure, if any, your city or county offers for disposal of toxic wastes such as mercury. Otherwise, you are contributing to a time bomb as the mercury in those bulbs will eventually find its way into our ground water, which will lead right back to us.

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