The case against public school in the USA

Is the school sytem designed to make a passive populace? Here is an interesting point of view.

One Response to “The case against public school in the USA”

  1. Mark says:

    I still have a copy of that article from Harper’s.  I did some follow-up reading to confirm what he said, and I’d already suspected about public education in this country.  I still concur with the author’s conclusions.  I recall my years in primary and secondary school.  It was my regular habit to have myself ejected from class, where I’d sit outside the door with my text book and read on my own.  I was always interested in learning but much of what went on in class seemed counter to learning at the time.  Having sat in classes during my daughter’s school years, I reached the same conclusion.  When my daughter entered school, I took the position that her education was my responsibility, and that schools served as supplement to that duty.  She was sometimes frustrated but one of the more important results is that I gave her understanding history and how it may be used to draw lessons helpful to the present & future.  Schools tend to focus on a handful of individiuals, memorization of dates & events, with no effort made to understand the times, divergent points of view, or motivating forces when teaching history.  This is not even remotely useful for giving one appreciation or understanding of history.

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