Government Growth, the Party of Lincoln, and George W. Bush


Government Growth, the Party of Lincoln, and George W. Bush by Anthony Gregory

I like the part where Bush says that with the house, senate and presidency in republican hands we can reduce government spending and shrink government.

In the movie "Head Office" there was an exchange that went something like this…

Jane Caldwell: Don't fall for it, Jack.

Jack Issel: Fall for what?

Jane Caldwell: For the lie we keep telling ourselves. We do the dirty stuff to get the power. It'll give us all the good things we really want. Then we get the power, we can't even remember what goddamn thing what it was we wanted it for in the first place.

One Response to “Government Growth, the Party of Lincoln, and George W. Bush”

  1. Mark says:

    I adore the Libertarian thinkers.  While I spent considerable time in my 20's flirting with their philosophy and was active in their local & national party structures, I am no longer convinced that they are viable or right about the way we ought to be governed.  I have adopted some socialist ideas but those tendencies are definitely tempered by my time moving within Libertarian circles.  I would like to see Libertarians do better in elections and gain better access to both media coverage and ballots.  They have much to offer by way of reminding people that they should be responsible for themselves, and that they can expect a poor society if individuals never consider greater society in their daily lives.

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