Germans balk at Budweiser for World Cup

OK, I do not give a crap about "Teutonic correctness" or "German Self Esteem".

Budweiser is the liquid equivalent of dog wee, and McDonalds is just another form of excremental canine offering. I would be horrified if I had purchased a travel package to Germany and tickets to a game, only to be greeted with a total lack of acceptable sustenance at the sporting event itself…

Oh the humanities!

Maybe the government should arrange air drops of relief beer and sausage to the stadiums… Wink

4 Responses to “Germans balk at Budweiser for World Cup”

  1. Mark says:

    What an amazing story.  I remember being in The Netherlands when the World Cup was being played there and the fans reminded me of the more rabid, and annoying, fans of American sports.   I was, in particular, reminded of the fans of University of Alabama football.  I can see these folks being upset about lowest common denominator products being the only offerings available to slake hunger & thirst.  I know were I to travel to Europe and find myself at an expensive event and those the only choices, I’d be furious.  Such exclusive contracts should be avoided and one hopes FIFA will learn that lesson.  If nothing else, we who live in the industrialized world have long enjoyed a wide variety of products for consumption and such people are not going to take lightly to having such severe limits placed on their consumption options.

  2. Gordon says:

    um… is dog wee non-liquid now? 

  3. EvilT says:

    Wow, with keen observational powers like yours, you should be writing posts instead of nit picking…

  4. vincente says:

    Budweiser only puts their name on the cups – but the beer in it is bought in beer from a german brewery.

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