opens beta of online grocery.

I wish them all the luck in the world. I would imagine that unline the online groceries of the late 90's Amazon probably built a business case… Grocery

One Response to “ opens beta of online grocery.”

  1. Mark says:

    Perhaps they have, but I won’t believe it will work until I see it.  Many grocery delivery companies have come and gone.  Schwan’s is the only one I can think of that has made a go of it for many years.  Perhaps Amazon has something different up its sleeve.  I glanced at the page but did not delve since nearly all the groceries I buy are fresh produce & meat, which I inspect before purchasing.  Can’t do that with delivery so I probably won’t be one of their customers.  I can certainly see a demographic group that will respond favorably to this concept.  The question remains are there enough of them to sustain a business.

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