Sarcastic News Flash

In keeping with the Kerry campaign tradition:

Kerry slams Whitehouse on ineffective Hurricane Prevention policy.
According to Kerry campaign spokesperson, Kerry has named the Bush presidency as being responsible for the unprecedented hurricane activity this year. Kerry was quoted as saying “This President has done nothing to prevent these storms. I have a plan to stop these storms from hitting the coastal regions of the United States entirely.” Kerry was additionally quoted as saying “We also have a plan to prevent bugs from hitting the windshield of your car”, We will pay for all these plans by taxing people who are not you”, “none of my plans will be called government programs”, and any of these plans that cannot be paid for, will not be implemented.”

Other plans mentioned include: personal hovercraft for all Americans, a glass elevator to the moon, and for all dogs to have the ability to communicate in Esperanto. ;-)

2 Responses to “Sarcastic News Flash”

  1. ghasty says:

    Esperanto? Esperanto? Have I a movie for you…

  2. will says:

    just part the waters, Kerry is a simple man who just doesn’t understand.

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