John Stewart on Crossfire

Here is a good bit on with John Stewart on Crossfire. I believe he has many valid points.

However his avoidance of the assertion, that he is just another outlet for rhetorical political hackery, based on the fact that his show is on Comedy Central rings a bit hypocritical. The last 20 seconds are pretty funny…

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3 Responses to “John Stewart on Crossfire”

  1. EvilT says:

    Sorry I had to pull my links down already. My bandwidth usage jumped off the scale. Use the Torrent…

  2. ghasty says:

    But then again…he made some good points that his show follows a show of puppets making prank phone calls on a comedy network. I think it’s a telling sign that this election year most people would prefer to get their news from a “fake news” show on a comedy channel. We really do not have a choice…

  3. EvilT says:

    John uses his fake news show as a delivery mechanism for his political view, so what’s the difference? Crossfire is supposed to be a debate show, and are deluging the viewers with simple rhetorical argument (and some logic periodically), The Daily Show is supposed to be a humor show, is trying to deliver their one sided message with sarcastic commentary. Fully half of John’s show is rife with the same half-true rhetoric of the party he supports (not that Republican rhetoric is any more true or less annoying).

    And as for being nice to guests, I’ve seen John Stewart asking hard questions of guests whose political views he does not share, and I’ve seen him buddy up with political guests he is more in line with.

    I like my comedy to make fun of stupidity on both sides of the political process, when the daily show essentially stopped poking fun at the Democratic side, and chose to poke fun almost exclusively at the Republican Party they became an annoying “Message Show”. I have been a Daily Show viewer for years (isn’t TiVo wonderful), and recently the “Message Show” slant has become so very pervasive, that I cannot even bear to watch it anymore. I think I would feel different if any of the jokes were fresh, new, or contained insightful views. But alas they do not, and I have grown weary of being beaten over the head with Halliburton references.

    I stopped watching The Daily Show about a month ago. I hope they start being funny again after the election.

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