For the older geeks in the crowd

If you remember what a BBS was (I wrote BBS software, and used to run an 8 line BBS back in the 80’s). checkout this site. They just emailed saying they were releasing a 3 hour documentary on BBS’s.

Ahhh the old days…

2 Responses to “For the older geeks in the crowd”

  1. Rooster77 says:

    Now wait a minute, I don’t belive I am older, but I well remember the BBS

  2. EvilT says:

    Ahhhhh, the denial… I think you are older, but fighting it.
    Think about it You’ve been though college twice had two different careers. You are married and thinking of buying a home. Aren’t you watching 30-something reruns yet? I can remember when I said that I would kill myself when I became 30, since life as an old person just wasn’t worth living, now I’m thinking 50 isn’t so bad… ;-)

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