Hmmmm. Must’ve been a black helicopter crash.

4 Responses to “CONSPIRACY!”

  1. Kevin says:

    OK, now you’re just freakin’ me out!

  2. EvilT says:

    Yah, but you have to admit the music is pretty cool… ;-)

  3. Rooster77 says:

    Not that I am not a big fan of Conspiracy Theories but here is the rebuttal:

  4. EvilT says:

    You are clearly distorting the assumptions with facts. Additionally your link speaks not at all the the cool music statement.

    This is a conspiracy man…

    The person who created that huge assemblage of data, and analysis was obviously with a covert government agency, and part of the cover-up. After all who would waste all their time trying to convince people of a specific point of view (present company excluded of course)…
    Wait a minute, maybe both the conspiracy theorist and the fact monger work for a covert government agency and they are trying to cover-up something else by distracting our attention.

    Hmmmm… a conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory…

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