Archive for June, 2020

RSS/Atom feed URL for PHPBB including actual link for software announcements

Monday, June 29th, 2020

From the PHPBB docs below…

To get the official raspberry pi software announcements feed the URL is:


Open feed by URL
An example feed URL for use in a browser that support feeds or in a feed reader is:

Post-based feed Settings
Number of items = X (default 10).

Enable board-wide feed = Feed with X most recent posts from all topics in all forums.
URL = feed.php

Enable per-forum feeds = Feed with X most recent posts from all topics in the selected forum.
URL = feed.php?f=[ForumID]

Enable per-topic feeds = Feed with X most recent posts from the selected topic.
URL = feed.php?f=[ForumID]&t=[TopicID]

Topic-based feed settings
Number of items = Y (default 15).

Enable new topics feed = Board wide feed with the first post of Y most recent topics in all forums.
URL = feed.php?mode=topics

Enable active topics feed = Feed that shows Y last posts, not older then 7 days, for forums that have “Display active topics” enabled.
URL = feed.php?mode=topics_active
7 days = set in feed.php (can be changed by editing and install the modified feed.php file, refresh your browser cache):

WordPress themes and converting 2 dashes to a long dash – ndash vs mdash

Friday, June 26th, 2020

I’ve had a problem for a while where command line text that contains 2 dashes appears as a long dash when viewed in WordPress.

Even though the line below was entered in the WordPress visual editor with two keyboard dashes (ndash), for many people it comes across as one longer dash (mdash).

$ git clone git:// –branch release_3.5.0


One quick and dirty trick is to go to the text editor and replace normal dashes with straight html  – in the text editor.
Which will appear as:
$ git clone git:// ––branch release_3.5.0

Or if you are already in the WordPress text editor just highlight the line and select the “code” tab at on the top menu of the text editor, and you get
$ git clone git:// --branch release_3.5.0

For my purposes I think I will use code going forward to prevent any alteration of my intended syntax.

Disable MacOS creation of .ds_store files on network shares

Friday, June 26th, 2020

I’m always forgetting this command, so I’m archiving it here. This is a per user setting, so you will have to run it for every user.

$ defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

To turn it off again:

$ defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores false

How to subscribe to YouTube channels via RSS.

Sunday, June 21st, 2020

YouTube – Take the name of the channel in this case:

Change the text in red above to the text in green below. The channel ID string is the same as is the primary url for