Upgrading Opensolaris snv_130 to Oracle Solaris Express snv_151a

Modified for Solaris 11

Upgrade to snv_151A from snv_130.

Ok, so my path to upgrade to the new Oracle Solaris Express was blocked as I could not get my snv_130 to upgrade to snv_134 so I could perform the upgrade. I was left having to perform a fresh install and re-import of my zpools. This is a quick overview of what I did. I’m not a Solaris guru by any means, and the walk through below is a bit spartan, but I thought I would get it out there to see if it would be of help to anyone else who had setup OpenSolaris as a sweet ZFS File/Print/Virtualization server. Let me know if you have any questions…

1. Export all but boot Zpools on old machine

#zpool export -f <pool name>

2. make sure to copy or move current shell scripts from <user home> dirs. Make sure you copy the current crontab, to be safe copy group and passwd files from the etc dir. If you run VirtualBox you want to be very sure you copy the .VirtualBox directory to a place where you will be able to get to it after the install.

3. Install Opensolaris on new HD

4. to get stuff to work had to get around GUI root expired passwd bug in Solaris 11 by popping open a cli and resetting root passwd with ‘#passwd root’

4. edit pam.conf – I’m not sure if this is still needed, but It used to be required under OpenSolaris and it didn’t hurt. :)

#sudo gedit /etc/pam.conf

add the following line to the end of the pam.conf

other password required pam_smb_passwd.so.1 nowarn

5. Fix pfexec as I used it everywhere… http://blogs.sun.com/observatory/entry/sudo

To do this I had to $ sudo usermod -P “Primary Administrator” <username>

(or you can do it in the gui).

6. check the status of the cifs server

# svcs smb/server

7. turn the cifs server on

# svcadm enable -r smb/server

I get an error saying that the “svc:/milestone/network depends on svc:/network/physical, which has multiple instances.”. No worries for now though. Checking the service (step 6, says it is running).

8. Join the workgroup

#smbadm join -w <workgroup>

9. Add all the original users to the system, add all the same groups as used before, reset all passwords with passwd command. (I use ACL access controls so I needed the same user/group structure. You could also specify the userid’s as the old pool will come back with userID’s instead of user names, but after you go and touch all the ACL’s again it will straighten it all out.

9. Import the zpool

#zpool import <pool name>

10. Check the shares

# sharemgr show -vp

Reset the permissions on all the pool drives, give the system a reboot and you are good to go

Now on to VirtualBox… Download VirtualBox and install. Since I keep all my machines on a zpool all I had to do was copy the .VirtualBox directory from the home dir of the user who it was installed under last time. This was done before I reinstalled as noted above. So after everything above was done I copied the .VirtualBox directory into my user’s home dir then installed VirtualBox. The xml files in the directory held the pointers to the machines and hard drive files on the zpool so everything installed and ran out of the box.

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