Howto upgrade/replace your OpenSolaris ZFS CIFS/SMB server hard drive

Here are the step by step instructions I built to rebuild with a fresh install of OpenSolaris on a new hard drive and bring back my ZFS arrays…

1. Export Zpool on old machine
#zpool export -f <pool name>
1.5 make sure to copy or move current shell scripts from <user home> and root dirs. Make sure you copy the current crontab, to be safe copy group and passwd files.
2. Install Opensolaris on new HD
3. install SMB server components
SUNWsmbs, SUNWsmbskr
4. edit pam.conf
#sudo gedit /etc/pam.conf
add the following line to the end of the pam.conf
other password required nowarn
5. check the status of the cifs server
# svcs smb/server
6. turn the cifs server on
# svcadm enable -r smb/server
7. Join the workgroup
#smbadm join -w <workgroupname>
8. Add all the users to the system, reset all passwords.
9. Import the zpool
zpool import <pool name>
10. Check the shares
# sharemgr show -vp
11. Reset the perms and you are good to go….
12. Download VirtualBox and install on main machine (If you copied all the VM info in the user homedir and you install as the user then VirtualBox should be the same when you are done).

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