All True Patriots Must Have Clogged Noses

True Patriots Must Have Clogged Noses by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Apparently it is now a part of Homeland Security to track people who have snotty heads… Where does the homeland security madness end, and why did I not notice this until now?

So here I sit almost out of Sudafed in my stockpile, and an interesting thought strikes me…

As one with periodic sinus issues, my usual Sudafed habit is to buy a pack of 3 boxes of the product at Costco, this usually lasts me a year or more… Now to achieve the same I will have to make three separate trips to Costco, thus using more gasoline, which will in turn send more money to the mid-east, where some small subset of my cash will end up funding more terrorism…

Personally I've had a host of different decongestants over my lifetime and I can say that Sudafed has by and large been the most effective with the fewest side effects. Does everyone remember the whole circus act over pulling Alka-Seltzer Cold medicine from the selves over the decongestant phenylpropanolamine (one that had been on the market for years and years) over concerns revolving around hemorrhagic stroke?

More interesting research links and commentary:

John Tierney – The Meth Myth.

Mike Krause of Colorado's Independence Institute here

Reason's Jacob Sullum here and here.

Radly Balko on why restricting Sudafed won't curb meth use

The New York Times weighs in… 

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