Why does the shift to Democrat control have to be about Iraq?

I just had to vent a little.

Strange how both parties and virtually the entire news media have centered on the "War in Iraq" as the reason for the Republican loss in the mid-term elections.

Why not list is a part of a group of reasons which may well include:

  • Americans are tired of having their privacy invaded in the name of a faceless boogie man.
  • Americans are weary of an administration that seems to have little regard for constitutional rights.
  • Americans grow weary of lack of adequate attention being paid to important issues. For example Identity Theft/Fraud, Fair credit practices,
  • Americans see that the current crop of "Borrow and spend", "Big Government" Republicans (not quite a stereotype yet, but I'm pushing for it) are not much better for the future financial good of this country than the "Tax and spend" Democrat stereotype.
  • Americans are just generally not happy with the government and took the "Vote Out the Incumbent" mentality, which I see as significant based on many people I know and their voting habits (I actually have some approval of this thought process as believe a change of faces is generally good).

Please comment your own points to the list if you see fit, I know I missed quite a few (actually I listed my own personal reasons for dissatisfaction).

I wonder if both parties make the changeover's central caues the "War in Iraq" because there is not going to be much difference on the other points (from Kerry's campaign last election I do not see much hope that the Democrats are going to take government away from the "Big Brother" path they are following now). Let's see if the new crop can cut spending, or if at least a little gridlock can slow the spending process…

Democrats must be careful to "remember they are mortal" as the populace voted them out of power back in 1994… Hmmmmm did they learn anything? I'd bet not…

4 Responses to “Why does the shift to Democrat control have to be about Iraq?”

  1. EvilT says:

    Anthony Gregory at LewRockwell.com has this to say

  2. Gordo_the_phat rides again says:

    This may come as a shock – but I agree with you… John McCain said plainly, the party abandoned the conservative principles it is supposed to  be founded on.  That’s why they lost.  If you aren’t going to do the job we sent you to do (make government smaller/less costly/less intrusive), then sit in time out for a little while.  I have no confidence in the democrats ability to govern this country, which is why I don’t vote for them.  I think the Rebuplicans need to take their medicine and spend a couple of years figuring a return strategy that includes cutting spending and making amends to the party’s base.  I had an economics professor that said the government can fund it’s activities through borrowing, printing money, or increasing tax rates.. but don’t fool yourselves, all three of those ways represent taxation.I also think the democrats now have just enough rope to hang themselves.  The could foul it up so bad in the next two years they could lock themselves out for the next half century…

  3. Mark says:


    The article referenced above reports some poll results indicating reasons why the recent elections caused loss of legislative seats & influence for the Republican Party.

    There is much in Anthony Gregory’s article worth consideration, if not agreement.  I was pleased to see that Libertarian candidates did well this election cycle.  It is my hope that Libertarians will be able to influence policy and swing elections in future to help mitigate the hegemony sought by both Democrats and Republicans as they continue to make ballot access both difficult and expensive.

  4. Brent says:

    I am glad to hear that the Libertarians are doing better.  I voted for them whenever given the opportunity.  This election they chose not to run in any major races.  Y problem with the party as a whole is that the seem to focus on the wrong issues.If they would focus on condemnation and income taxes (either repeal or switching to a sales tax) I think they would do much better then the current focus on drug legalization etc.I think the true conservatives are so disaffected as a whole with the republican party there could be a major shift comming.  Most republicans I know that are not caught up in the religious aspects of it are very disappointed with the social spending and corporate welfare.

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