Popcorn resources….

What better way to spend a cold winter evening than to curl up by a warm fire with a bottle of wine, a close friend, a movie, and a big bowl of popcorn…

Fireworks Popcorn Company

Yonder Popcorn 

2 Responses to “Popcorn resources….”

  1. Mark says:

    It is "Yoder", not "Yonder".  I ordered from them a while back.  Sadly, shipping is as much or more than the popcorn.  This is going to be true with any of them, but…  I was traveling in Kansas recently and found a town outside of Wichita called Yoder.  I thought perhaps it was the origin of the delicious popcorn I’d bought over the web.  It was not but Yoder is a nice Mennonite village with a very good market.  I did find some Kansas popcorn from a company called Schlaegel’s in the market.  The corn is very good with small tasty kernels which makes for a nice contrast to the bigger is better mentality of most hybrid producers.  I tried their web site recently to order more and it did not come up.  I don’t think they’ve gone; rather I think the server was having trouble.  The link is:  http://popcorngifts.net/ .  I just tried it and it is available.  I’m going to order as soon as I finish this reply.

    As the result of speaking with a few friends whom I found out were popcorn freaks; one has a theater style popper in his bedroom; I’ve learned all about different varieties of corn, oil, seasonings, etc.  I tend to keep it simple but it is nice to have this knowledge in order to bring variety since I eat popcorn at least a few times per week.

  2. EvilT says:

    Here is a link for <a href="http://www.popcornpopper.com/popcorn-bags.html">popcornpopper.com</a>and even on <a href = "http://www.amazon.com/Amish-Country-Blue-Popcorn-2lb/dp/B00017LEXY">Amazon.com</a><a href="http://www.neseed.com/store/cornpopcorn.html">New England Seed Co</a>And what looks like one of the main sources: <a href="http://www.amishmart.com/option-01.html">The Amish Mart</a>

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