Woo Hoo!!!!!

Sorry it took so long, but I needed to unhack the blog before I posted… Wink

I cannot tell you how long I've been waiting for news that someone in the Judicial Branch actually has a pair, and would like to return to the field, to play "checks and balances" with the Bush administration…

Oh, and more good news… 

One Response to “Woo Hoo!!!!!”

  1. Mark says:

    It isn’t so much waiting for someone with the means to stand up to the executive, rather the judicial branch tends to move slowly.  It was a matter of time before some of the executive power claimed by President Bush was challenged.  Keep in mind that this isn’t the first judicial decision against him.  Sadly, I’ve already started seeing comments along the lines of "stupid, liberal Carter appointed judge" used to refer to Judge Taylor and dismissing the importance & validity of her judgement.  I think this judgement is very important because of what appears to be the scope and method used for this particular presidential initiative.  It is my hope that it stands all the way to the US Supreme Court, though I fear the high court will gut it, especially if the current president’s appointees do not recuse themselves.  I suggest this because some of them have long made their views clear or assisted the president in legally justifying such policies.

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