“Come One, Come All, Join the Terror Target List”

"Come One, Come All, Join the Terror Target List" 


This story has been around a few days and since no one had noticed or posted it, I thought I would in hopes of stirring some conversation about it.

The gist is that The Department of Homeland Security has been turned into nothing more than a new source of pork barrel funding via its large budget, grant making, and the means for determining need.  Other news reports illustrate that personnel there have found a revolving door from department jobs to private sector jobs with the contractors who end up with the grant money.  I'd be angry about all of this but I see no good to come from anger since the executive branch has clearly done this with little or no resistance from the legislative branch.  To whom might I turn?  There is no one as there is no recourse when these two branches either allow such behavior or collude in it.

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