How to make cheese grits…

I know it's not the right time of year for grits, but I had a request for the recipe and I wanted to archive the link for Deramus sausage… 

Where do you start with Grit instructions?

Ok, first get good white/yellow grits, must be good grits, not quick or instant (

I usually like to make in the neighborhood of 12 servings at a time. My recipe will be for that many, so invite friends.

Make sure you start about 30 to 40 minutes before you actually want to have the grits.

Short the grits about a half a cup of water when starting. You want to short the grits so they will be thirsty for butter and cheese. :)

Cook the grits until thick (thickness can be measured by plop factor)*

Add 1 stick real butter.

Stir slowly until absorbed.

Add 3/4 to 1 lb grated sharp yellow cheddar and 2 to 4 slices of Kraft American singles

When fully melted and absorbed add Salt, white pepper, and black pepper to taste (both fresh ground). I like to use the white pepper for heat and black pepper for aroma (very similar to the way you use hops when brewing beer).

Serve with at least one lb of pork product per guest. I recommend Tennessee Pride hot sausage, good solid bacon, or one of my all time favorites Hot Deramus Pork Sausage!… This sausage is amazing!

Anyone found applying sugar to the end product should be promptly escorted from the room or building 

* to gage plop factor stir the grits with a spoon. There should be a thick grit coating on the spoon now. With the cup of the spoon within over the sauce pan move the spoon quickly down, striking it on the side of the sauce pan. This will cause the grits to fly off the spoon into the pan (objects in motion tend to stay in motion). The force with which you have to hit the spoon on the side of the sauce pan to encourage the grits to let go is plop factor… Usually having to strike the spoon on the side of the pan 2 or 3 times to clean the spoon is considered quite thick enough.

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