‘Big Brother’ and the honesty experiment.

Very interesting, exposure to just a picture of someone watching our actions can make us act more honestly.

One Response to “‘Big Brother’ and the honesty experiment.”

  1. Mark says:

    I suspect, for the most part, that this is workable as a means of reducing misbhehavior.  I was immediately reminded of the working side of every postal facility I’ve visited.  If you’ve never had that opportunity, what you will see are peepholes along every wall where employees may handle mail.  Sometimes they are monitored by an inspector, sometimes by a camera, sometimes unmanned.  You never know because the access points are hidden so workers can’t easily see or hear when someone enters or exits.  Their presence did not stop theft, but it is a good bet that it was reduced.  You get used to it after a while, and I really didn’t object since it was a work place which I found did have a history of theft, albeit infrequent enough that events were remembered for years.

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