Hmmm are the big US oil companies profiteering at the expense of America?

I you check gasoline prices in other countries since 1996 it would seem that the rest of the world buys gasoline on the same markets as the US.

2 Responses to “Hmmm are the big US oil companies profiteering at the expense of America?”

  1. Mark says:

    That is a great chart, but I’d like to know about various taxes and their impact on prices in all the places compared. I would assume, in general, that taxes on fuel have tended to go up, especially in Europe. Perhaps the taxes are irrelevant. I wonder how much higher prices will need to go before Americans start screaming for alternatives.

  2. EvilT says:

    The news media keeps reporting that satisfaction with the current administration’s handling of the economy is not very high. Once again outlining my theory that most Americans do not have a clue as to how oil is bought and sold on the auction block, and that the price is influenced very little by governmental influence of our economy but instead that our economy is influenced much more by the price of oil.

    It might also be possible that the news media has skewed the polls through specific wording of the questions and reporting.

    We could probably look up information on European fuel taxes, but it appears that the prices in most every country are firmly in the bell curve.

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