Luddites of the world unite and commit MySpacecide

I actually know someone who has done this, although for different reasons…
Committing MySpacecide

8 Responses to “Luddites of the world unite and commit MySpacecide”

  1. Rooster77 says:

    I too know people that have done this. I however, find it to be a convient way to keep in touch with old friends and check out bands I like, so I will stay in existence for a while longer I suppose. Also I really have no problem with Murdoch and prefer him greatly as compared to that commie-hippie guy that used to own an Atlanta based network.

  2. EvilT says:

    Now Rooster, I dislike hippies as much as anyone, but wouldn’t you consider them more socialist than communist?

  3. Rooster77 says:

    fine he is a socialist then. Technically you are correct, but commie just sounds so much better.

  4. skits says:

    I deleted my myspace account last week, and I hadn’t given it another thought until I read this. Which, I think means that I made the right call. I really didn’t like it all that much to begin with. :/

  5. Mark says:

    Oh yeah, oh yeah??? Well, I got rid of my bell bottom jeans weeks before anyone else! My chia pet was collecting Social Security payments before most people had bought one. And don’t get me started about CB radio or mobile phones!

    It is not typically my tendency to be mean. That having been said, the personal directory/community sites have been a fad for a few years now, and some have done better than others at attracting people. Since they are a fad, among other things, it only makes sense that there will also be a fad where people make noise about separating from them.

    Should people join these sites? Sure, if they do so understanding that privacy will grow more difficult to maintain and once out there, you can’t completely withdraw yourself or your data. Should they crow about it? Sure, if they like. Should some folks realize after the fact that they have made themselves more vulnerable and available, they can try to close the barn door after the horses have escaped. They can even make announcements about it. Smarminess is optional. The bigger question is: who cares?

  6. EvilT says:

    Well I never wore bell bottom jeans, what’s a chia pet? :p

  7. Rooster77 says:

    I would kinda like to have one of those chia heads so I could give a mohawk, or maybe even liberty spikes.

  8. Mark says:

    See my reply at

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