German engineering yields 157 mpg

I wonder if we will see anything like The Loremo here in the states. One might think that if we can reduce restrictions on industrial emissions for the economic good of the country, we might be able allow the import of a few grey market cars.
MFG Site

One Response to “German engineering yields 157 mpg”

  1. Mark says:

    The Loremo looks a very well designed concept car. At least it appears so to me. I suspect that they will be imported here, or copied, as much of the technology to make similar cars has been around for quite a while. If oil prices continue as they have the past few years, then we’ll be looking for alternatives of one sort or another. I’d certainly consider an unconventional car, such as this one, were I in the market for a new car. My current car, an old Lincoln Towncar, remains cheaper to own and operate than any replacement, since it is entirely paid for, requires little maintenance, and has proven reliable on the road. One day, I expect it will fail completely or require repairs far in excess of what is worth putting into the car. I remain hopeful by that time that I’ll either be living somewhere where I can happily forego owning a car, or my choices for new, more efficient technology will be much improved in availability and reliability. It is good to know that folks are giving these matters serious consideration.

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