For you Atlanta Folks

A Meditation On the Speed Limit – Google Video

So here is a interesting, although kinda boring, video of what happens when a group of people all drive the speed limit on the perimiter in Atlanta. It has a few interesting events, but not the all out chaos I was expecting.

2 Responses to “For you Atlanta Folks”

  1. Mark says:

    I think the impression one is supposed to receive from this video is that the speed limit is not enforced, driving on Atlanta’s perimeter road is dangerous, and that you remain at risk even if you drive, perhaps because you drive at the speed limit. Sadly, I had to pull hard on the film to get that impression. If these students used their real names and the university put its name, or allowed its name, I am positively impressed because I think there are drivers in metropolitan Atlanta who might seek to cause them harm. Far too often, people lack the courage to associate themselves with unpopular acts and statements.

    I would have been more positive about this movie had it been more clear in communicating its message, if I got it right. If I didn’t properly understand the point, then I have to wonder if anyone will. I can only hope that it receives positive attention from folks who are in a position to improve Atlanta’s roads and drivers. I have long made the claim that it is far too easy for Americans to gain a drivers license, and that most are poor drivers. This is made worse by the trends toward running late at all times, thereby causing agitation, stress, and urgency to rush where one is due, and the preference by so many drivers for very large, often difficult to control vehicles. I’ve also advocated over the years that there should be a class system for licenses based on some form of vehicle size, purpose, or other meaningful measure, so as to keep folks who haven’t been trained or are unable to safely, accurately drive large vehicles like many of the SUV’s that clog the roads in Atlanta and elsewhere.

    I could go on about the film, and especially about its topic for long enough to bore you all to death so I’ll stop here. Homicide and manslaughter are low on my list of things to do.

  2. EvilT says:

    I believe their stated point was that the posted speed limit is too slow, and that law enforcement does not enforce it as a result of their own personal realization of the fact.

    I’m not sure I have issue with SUV vs station wagon licensing, but I do believe that testing for a driver should be much more stringent than it is, and that penalties for not following the laws should pose more of a risk to your driving priviledge than to your bank account.

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