Save the whales… Stop drinking bottled water

Ok, it just seemed like a fun mantra. According to Abid Aslam at world obsession with bottled water is not only a wasteful and overall not a good thing for the environment, but a cash cow for the bottling fraudsters.

2 Responses to “Save the whales… Stop drinking bottled water”

  1. Mark says:

    I see no flaws in the facts presented, and put together they make a good argument for consumption of more tap water by those who have reliable, safe tap water. I purchase bottled water for convenience, drinking it when I am on a long drive, or walking for hours at a time. I see no other reason for drinking it, save when it is offered by a host wherever I may be. The plastic bottles, delivery, waste cartage and disposal costs, are all things that could be vastly reduced. However, would consumers continue to pony up the same money in order to insure that potable water and reliable delivery systems would be made available to parts of the world currently lacking them? I doubt it.

  2. EvilT says:

    Yah, I posted mostly for the waste of resources and money. I too buy bottled water on occasion for the car or bicycling. Usually times when you cannot be sure of a clean water supply, or the convenience of the bottle provides sufficient cost/benefit ratio.

    You are correct regarding the proliferation of potable water. I will bet that if the market disappears for Dasani in the US, Coke will not take it to the third world.

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