John Bolton Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize — 02/08/2006

Wait, isn’t this that evil sadistical SOB that the Dems were so close to attempting a fillabuster?

John Bolton Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize — 02/08/2006

One Response to “John Bolton Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize — 02/08/2006”

  1. Mark says:

    He was certainly painted by his detractors as a poor choice for the ambassadorship to the UN. I did not follow the controversy because I reasoned it was mostly political noise making designed to influence those who rely solely on emotion to make their decisions. I am more inclined now to learn about him than I was when he was nominated for the position he currently holds. However, that interest remains insufficient for me to make effort at this time. I will certainly be keeping a closer eye open for reports of his work in future.

    Reading the article you referenced did make me wonder if we went after Iraq under the assumption it would be an easy launching pad for going after Iran and its nuclear program. This suggestion has not been made to my recollection in discussions with those who enjoy debating tactics & strategy. It has occurred to me and to others that wrecking Iraq’s ability to check Iran has made it the most powerful entity in that part of the world. I wonder if that was wise. Then again, most of the information we get here about that part of the world is either censored, colored, or otherwise presented in ways to keep our support of intervention in place. That, at least, is my view.

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