How to rip your DVDs for viewing on your Video iPod

My understanding:

1. If you own material you can according to “Fair Use” legally change (format shift) the medium that material resides on for your own use.
2. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act says that you cannot decode the encryption on media you own to perform the “Fair Use” cited above.

The two points above being said…
Here is a link outlining how to rip your DVDs to put them on your Video iPod

Here is another interesting link, where a company called Makayama has built a utility to transcode to the Video iPod, and makes the claim that their product does not violate DMCA and provides “Fair Use”…


3 Responses to “How to rip your DVDs for viewing on your Video iPod”

  1. Kevin says:

    but even if i owned the media, i would still have to go out and procure one of these so called “video ipods”. a real service would have been to tell me how to get a “video ipod” for free!

  2. EvilT says:

    Yah, I have the same issue. I never bought an iPod, and have so far resisted the urge to purchase a video iPod. I do however have hipster friends who insist that I’m a Luddite and that owning a platform based on DRM media is perfectly acceptable in the modern world.

    I shake my cane at them when they drive by… Damn kids…

  3. Rooster77 says:

    I have no clue. How’s that for an answer. The whole copyright vs “fair use” battle is really a niche market.

    I don’t quite understand how the law can say it is illegal to rip your own cd’s and dvd’s to another format but it wouldn’t suprise me if some court upheld it.

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