Pakistan: Terrorists Killed in U.S. Strike

The following little thought just struck me as I was reading this article from Yahoo! news. If terrorists were meeting in the US we would have to arrest these people and send them to a court to be judged. Apparently, if they are in another country (that we are not at war with) we can just kill them with impunity.

Good thing the dead women and children were not in this country. They would have had to suffer the indignity of going to trial for their crimes… ;-)

One Response to “Pakistan: Terrorists Killed in U.S. Strike”

  1. Mark says:

    From my reading of the article, I am left to concur with your comment regarding the assault on the structure and those within it. It reads with a great amount of speculation. No one wants to specify anything about the folks within or what they might have been doing. and no one is acknowledging any responsibility for the assault. Sounds like a terrible, destructive act has been undertaken and no one wants to talk about it, save to use it for scoring political points on all sides. One wonders if the reporter has a motive beyond engaging in rent seeking behavior of the sensational variety. Surely, the reader is sufficiently capable of engaging in speculation regarding those involved in this event.

    I’m left cold by it, save for the moral disturbance of the assault & destruction. I did not even read this tale of destruction and mostly speculation until I noticed you had commented on it here.

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