Georgia Town Bans Smoking in Parks, Claim the Legislation Made Them “Feel Good”

When will the crusade against smoking end? Certainly not when they have run out of logical legislation to enact.

Studies showing huge health risks resulting from second hand smoke are dubious enough to be considered (by me at least) junk science. Now the useless data is being emotionally extrapolated to the great outdoors, a place where no study of secondhand smoke has gone before. Without scientific support, this bit of legislation is little more than feel good law.

Why do the states not just make tobacco a controlled substance, sell it in the pharmacy, and stop their nasty little relationship with tobacco (the one where the left hand waves a disapproving finger while the right hand accepts the tax money from sales)?

Just FYI… I don’t smoke either… I just think the government should stop they hypocrisy.

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