Ocean Power

Wave power does sound like a promising, easy to implement, technology.

Hopefully it will work out better than other green energy sources.

2 Responses to “Ocean Power”

  1. Dean Costello says:

    It’s not a bad concept, but my evaluations trends to a position that a lot of the marine technologies tend not to scale up very well (c.f., the tidal generators in the…mmm…mouth of the Seine, I believe). I personally like the buoy concept, but that’s me–the buoys tend to require less hand-waving to show proof of concept, as compared to the other available designs.

    Dean C.

  2. EvilT says:

    Yah, the concept is relatively simple. My biggest area of concern revolves around the method of power collection from the buoys.

    Then again I’m sure the buoys would be fond to cause red tide, or maybe pelicans would find a way to become impaled on the buoys….

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