How to beautify a face in photoshop

Apparently Photohsop can work wonders for the differently faced.
Traditionally I’ve found that applying beer internally has the same effect.

One Response to “How to beautify a face in photoshop”

  1. Kevin says:

    You are undoubtedly speaking of the beer goggle phenomena. To understand how the Rosie O’Donnel at the next table turned into Rosie Perez, you need to grasp what alcohol does to the brain. After that first drink, strange things start to happen in the noggin, namely:

    1.) Dopamine concentration is increased, stimulating the pleasure centers.
    2.) Serotonin neurotransmission is decreased. Serotonin is a behavioral inhibitor, it’s the brain’s chemical cop, making you bite your tongue and nod when you actually want to strangle your boss.
    3.) Endorphin and enkephalins are released, creating a euphoric effect.
    4.) GABA receptors are potentiated, creating an arousal state.

    So, after about your fifth drink you will be be feeling euphoric, aroused and uninhibited. You feel confident, your self-esteem is riding high and you not only desire human companionship, you believe you deserve it. Ask any psychologist and he will tell you those with high self-esteem tend to think positively of others as well. And that, in addition to your reduced inhibitions (i.e. standards), is why you go home with Perez and wake up with O’Donnel.

    Oddly, the beer goggle theorem doesn’t apply equally to both sexes. In a recent study, 46% of men said alcohol makes women appear sexier, but only 13% of women said the same of men.

    Huh. Maybe they’re just not drinking enough.

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