Unlock an AudioVox 5600 for free

Article on how to unlock your audiovox 5600 Smartphone for free. Unlock an AudioVox 5600 for free

3 Responses to “Unlock an AudioVox 5600 for free”

  1. EvilT says:

    Just in case he ever takes his site down: Here is the full text of his procedure.
    Every now and then, somebody asks me why I do search. There are lots of cool things to do out there%u2026 writing the latest game, creating a photo-sharing service, etc. But search is one of the few that teaches me new things. Search answers my questions.

    For example, as I%u2019ve posted before, I%u2019m heading down to Brazil. Also, I have a new AudioVox 5600, aka Typhoon, on the AT&T network %u2014 yes, it%u2019s owned by Cingular, but it%u2019s still AT&T. What I%u2019d like to do when I%u2019m down there is buy a pre-paid SIM card so I can make relatively cheap calls home and to anyone local. Seems reasonable. So, I need to call AT&T and have them unlock my phone so I can use it on the Brazilian network.

    Except they won%u2019t. Nope. They don%u2019t give out the codes, and they don%u2019t even give out the names of who would know how to get the codes to customer service. See, Cingular wants you to buy a new locked Cingular phone and suck down a new 2-year contract, and migrate over to the Cingular network instead of the AT&T network. So yes, this means that Cingular merged with AT&T Wireless the same way that you might merge with a donut. You eat it, chew it up, swallow it, slowly digest it, and, well, you know what happens to whatever you don%u2019t need.

    So, what am I do to? I could pay 20 GBP for some service and take it. I could potentially search CraigsList for someone who can do it. Or, I can type in something like unlock audiovox 5600 free into MSN Search and%u2026 hey, check out those first two results on the Cingular forums!

    So, the second result almost solves the problem. However, it assumes you have a couple other programs, which you then need to find using a search engine. It%u2019s kinda like an internet scavenger hunt. Well, for people who found this page, I%u2019ll cut to the chase:

    Note: actually doing the following probably voids your warranty (I don%u2019t know as I never read it), and botching it could well render your phone unusable. But it worked for me, even with a few missteps I didn%u2019t include here.

    You need the following three files:

    1. aeconfig.zip
    2. resetSecurity.zip
    3. SPV Services

    Or to save you some time (and in case the above are down), you can just get them all in one big zip: UnlockAudioVox5600Apps.zip

    OK, now what? Again, sadly, there isn%u2019t a single page that gives good detail on how to unlock the 5600, at least not that I could find with MSN Search or Google. And I don%u2019t bother much with Yahoo :) .

    Again, to save some time searching, here%u2019s what you do:

    1. Plug your AudioVox into your computer via the USB cable that came with it. Pop open a browser window and browse the top level directory of the smartphone%u2026 you should see directories like Temp and Storage.
    2. Extract aeconfig.zip. You%u2019ll get a folder named %u201Cunlock-all%u201D which contains two directories, StartMenu and Temp, along with a manual. The manual is almost correct for the 5600. What you want to do is:
    1. Put the %u201CDisable Security%u201D file in StartMenu under \Storage\Windows\Start Menu\ in your 5600.
    2. Put %u201CAEConfig.exe%u201D and %u201CDisableSecurity.xml%u201D in Temp in \Temp in your 5600. Do not reboot your 5600, as it will erase these files in \Temp!
    3. Go to Start on your 5600, then select Disable Security and run it. Phase 1 done.
    3. Pop open resetSecurity.zip and extract the files on your computer somewhere. I%u2019ll say C:\unlock5600, but feel free to replace that with anything you like.
    4. On your computer, go to Start -> Run and type %u201Ccmd%u201D for a DOS prompt. Change directories to the directory you put the files of resetSecurity (e.g. cd c:\unlock5600 using our example).
    5. Run RapiConfig as follows:
    % RapiConfig.exe /p ResetSecurity.xml
    This will unlock your phone to install new apps (needed for the next step).
    6. Confirm it works by putting %u201CCheckLock.exe%u201D in the \Temp dir of your 5600 and running it by going to Start -> File Manager on your AudioVox and selecting CheckLock.exe under \Temp. It should say %u201CYour phone is not locked.%u201D
    Phase 2 End.
    7. Open up SPV-Services.zip and copy the files somewhere (say c:\unlock5600).
    8. Copy the Cert.cab into \Temp of your smartphone
    9. From your smartphone Start -> File Manager, browser to \Temp and run Cert.cab. Install the program.
    10. From your computer, run SPVServices.exe. Click on the SIMLock Toggle button and type AGREE. Don%u2019t worry about the %u201CDoesn%u2019t work on AudioVox%u201D as this did for this purpose.
    11. Unlock your AudioVox by clicking on the button. End Phase 3.
    12. Test out your new unlocked AudioVox with a friend%u2019s SIM card on another network (I used T-Mobile). You will need to power down the phone, take out the card, put the new one in, and power up. If you see %u201CNetwork locked, enter unlock code%u201D then something didn%u2019t work. If you see the normal home page with the carrier%u2019s name, you%u2019re golden.

    So, that%u2019s a decent number of steps%u2026 but it%u2019s in painful detail, for someone who might not be a 5600 hacker and knows where to find and use all these files. Search isn%u2019t a magic bullet; it won%u2019t find The Answer if The Answer doesn%u2019t exist in a single page. Sometimes it doesn%u2019t even find the single page. But it will provide you the path to get there%u2026 and thus I%u2019m psyched that the tool I help build was able to teach me, and now potentially teach you, how to unlock an AudioVox SMT 5600.

  2. shawn says:

    I keep getting the unkown error – 2147467259
    i’ve tried 3 times to re-do the steps and shut down my firwall during but i go through all the steps successfully but then stall at the last one.

    also, the link to registry key does not allow me to view the page

    any suggestions??

    I need to turn this phone to a different network ASAP.

    thank you,

  3. EvilT says:

    Cannot tell you. There is reference to it on the link in the original post. They mention leaving a message on the developers forum…

    I have not delved any deeper…

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