TV host urges US to kill Chavez

Here is some of that “Love thy neighbor” mentality from the religious right….

4 Responses to “TV host urges US to kill Chavez”

  1. Kevin says:

    I guess the real question is: if this type of commentary is coming from a “celebrity of religion” does this lead to a second coming of the inquisition, or even the crusades? Killing in the name of God, but not Allah, cause that would be wrong.

  2. puritanslive says:

    Pat Robertson….let’s give these lunatic conservatives a real name…Now that they are in power,,they are showing their real colors…..Maybe the american voter will get fed up withthese lunatics….They sound just like islamists extremists…..In America,,,they are…..I wonder what Jesus would say to the so called christian preacher…….

  3. EvilT says:

    It’s really funny, I just saw a documentary on Chavez and the recent recall election in Venezuela. In the documentary I noted that during speeches he mentioned that he was the chosen by Christ himself, and the Christ would not allow him to be removed from office.

    I guess his Christ is different than Pat’s… ;-)

    Or maybe Chavez was personally selected by Quhrist or Khrist.

  4. EvilT says:

    Now let’s not get the religious right or the republican party confused with “conservative”. The religious right is tightly aligned with the Republican party, and I would be hard pressed to find much “conservative” about the republicans these days. They just want to spend my money in a different way.

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