
Ok, so by all appearances I can go ahead and celebrate a victory in the election. Not a victory for Bush or Kerry but for everyone who understands what the Electoral College is, why it is there, sees that it’s not evil just because it didn’t go your way once, and wants Michael Moore to shut the heck up about it.

It looks like the popular vote is firmly behind Bush. Since Mr. Moore doesn’t believe in the Electoral College I’m sure he fully supports Kerry’s immediate concession on the basis that he has lost the popular vote. No need to wait for the decision in Ohio, it’s not material to the popular vote… ;-)

(Of course the popular vote could change over the next couple of days with provisional ballots etc, but I just love getting the opportunity to make the statement above).

6 Responses to “Finally”

  1. Rooster77 says:

    I agree, lets see what happens now with all the talk about doing away with the electoral college. Oh wait we only ment that if it would help us win.
    I think more telling of the direction of this country is the outcome in several congressional races and sadly the 11 states that passed a version of DOMA prohibiting gay marriage (what a friggin lame issue).

  2. EvilT says:

    Yah, I haven not fully formed my thoughts to make a post on the gay marriage issue. If you want to post first go ahead and I will add. I already seem to do most of the tirades here… ;-)

  3. Kevin says:

    I’m just glad I won’t have to wait in line (2.5 hours)for the 5 minute voting process for another 4 years

  4. EvilT says:

    Next time I will loan you my back brace. Took me 4 minutes to vote… ;-)

  5. Cribbus says:

    I went to the polls EARLY, before they opened. There were over 100 people there waiting. This must be one of the biggest turnouts I have seen…

  6. EvilT says:

    Yep, seems strange though, what was the total delta in voter turnout between 2000 and 2004? Anyone have that yet?

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